Losing a beloved pet is a heart wrenching time for any family. The passing of a pet takes a huge toll on everyone, especially if you have kids that have never experienced the loss of a pet before.
Oftentimes, cherishing your pet's memory in some form or another can bring closure and peace to all members of the family, and leave a special imprint of the pet's life in your home for years to come.
Whether a simple gesture like carrying their collar tag on your key chain, or more extravagant memorials like turning your pet's ashes into a fireworks display or diamond ring, this list will cover all kinds of options that pet owners have to immortalize the memory of their beloved pet.
The ideas in this list include DIY projects, as well as creative and customizable store bought memorials. There are ideas suitable for every budget in this list, ranging from subtle things that spark favorite memories of your pet, to much more elaborate gestures, and everything in between.
1. Dedicate a small area in your home to the memory of your pet.
This could be a shelf on your bookcase, a single decorative shelf nailed up on the wall, or some other similar designated area to display a collection of your pet's most memorable things.
Some people like to find a location for the shelf where it's front and center in their home, whereas others might find the constant memories too painful and opt for a less traveled area in their home, where they can look at it when they want to feel connected to their lost friend.
On your pet's display shelf, you can create a photo display with some of your favorite photos, and also include sentimental items like their favorite toys, bandanas, a lock of their hair, their collar, tags, urn, and similar items that remind you of your pet and bring back fond memories.
2. Read quotes about pet loss and choose a quote or poem that stands out for your pet.
Read through collections of quotes and poems about pet loss on Google or Pinterest. Reading poems and quotes can be a great way to bring back memories and let your emotions loose. Pet loss poems often make you cry, but they have a magical way of leaving you feeling inspired and uplifted after all the emotions spill out.
While you sift through the collection of poetry, choose one that really resonates with you. Print off that particular piece of writing and frame it, alongside a photo of your pet. Put it in a place where you can read it whenever you miss your pet or want to get your emotions out.
3. Hold a funeral for your pet in your backyard.
A formal funeral can be a good experience for kids and the family as a whole. It helps everyone come to a final closure, express their feelings together, and make the pet's life feel important and meaningful.
You can invite other family members and friends if you choose, or keep it a quiet, small event with the immediate family.
Take turns telling favorite stories about your pet, their funny antics, and what you loved about them the most. After everyone shares their stories and leaves a flower in their memory, you can spread their ashes (if you choose) and say your final goodbyes.
4. Keep your pet's ashes and/or a final lock of hair.
Keeping a beloved pet's ashes or lock of their hair in an urn or memorial box in your home is a common way to keep a piece of them close to you after they're gone. Urns and memorial boxes go nicely on a display shelf alongside photos of your pet, or they can be put away in a safe box or time capsule for future memories.
5. Cuddle Clones or custom pet figurines.
Another interesting option to keep your pet's memory alive is to purchase a lookalike stuffed animal or custom figurine from CuddleClones.com.
Cuddle Clones specializes in creating realistic, custom stuffed animals that look exactly like your pet. All you need is a couple photos to send in and a few months to bring your creation to life.
Cuddle Clones originally started out with cats and dogs, but after many requests, they now do all kinds of animals; their photo gallery features horses, pigs, rabbits, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, reptiles, and even fish! You can also order sandstone figurines of your pet to put on display in your living room.
6. Share your pet's story online.
Websites like those listed below allow you to cope by sharing your pet's memorial online and reading stories from those that are also going through the same thing.
Websites to submit your pet's story:
Gateway Pet Memorial
Lap of Love
Memorial Pet Services
Rose Pet Memorial Center
Fond Pet Memories
Pet Loss Website
Lap of Love
Memorial Pet Services
Rose Pet Memorial Center
Fond Pet Memories
Pet Loss Website
7. Light a candle (virtually or in real life) in memory of your pet.
While on the online topic, there are also some websites out there that will let you light a candle online (along with a short blurb about your pet) as a tribute to your best friend across the rainbow bridge. Some good websites to check out are Gratefulness.org and Light-candle.com.
You can also take this idea to real life and light a memorial candle in your home every night for thirty days (or until the candle runs out) as an extended tribute and prayer for your beloved animal friend. You can also fasten your pet's collar around the candle jar to add a special touch of your pet to the candle.
8. Put up a photo display or collage on your wall with a collection of your favorite pictures.
Wall photo frames, with individual frames for multiple photos (shown below) can be purchased online or at local stores in your area. You can even get creative and make your own photo wall collage.
These frames are a great way to dedicate an area in your home to your pet's memory, especially if you have limited floor or shelf space to do so. Photos are one of the best ways to keep a pet's memory alive and make you smile at all their funny antics and the things you loved to do together.
9. Look on Etsy for creative pet memorial options.
Etsy is a marketplace of people who make handcrafted and often custom designs for all kinds of occasions. If you're looking for something special and custom to keep in your pet's memory, you will be sure to find something that's one of a kind. To get started, simply head over to Etsy.com and search their listings for "pet memorials" or "pet loss."
10. Purchase or make your own engraved plaque or gravestone for your pet.
A personalized plaque or gravestone is a popular way to remember your pet and put them to rest. Plaques can be as simple or as elaborate as you choose. Many people choose a simple engraving with the pet's name, date of birth, and date they passed away. Some people also include a short message, or even get their pet's picture engraved onto the stone. Regardless of what you choose, having a designated place where you can connect with your pet is a good idea and also provides a great place to plant flowers or visit when you miss your pet.
Plaques and gravestones can be found in local stores, online, or you can even make your own personalized grave for your pet.
11. Make a scrapbook for your pet, or dedicate a page in an existing scrapbook to their memory.
Putting your pet's photos in a scrapbook or photo album is a great way to bring memories back at a later time and make you smile. It's also a great activity you can do together with your kids to help them feel involved in your pet's legacy.
If you opt to make a mini scrapbook exclusively for your pet, there are lots of cute handcrafted books on Etsy and other similar sites that work perfectly for this purpose. Purchasing a handcrafted scrapbook adds a personal touch and many pet scrapbooks include cute aspects like pawprint designs and other pet related features.
Additionally, you can also create your own fun little book simply by stapling some colored construction paper together and letting the kids decorate with stickers and glitter.
12. Create a time capsule of your pet's most memorable items.
If displaying your pet's things in a visible place makes you sad at this time, you can opt to put everything that reminds you of your pet in a dedicated memory box instead. This could be as simple as a cardboard box, or a more elaborate pet memorial box with a spot for your pet's photo on the outside. If you enjoy woodworking, you could even make your own handcrafted wooden box.
If you have a plain wooden box for your time capsule and want to spruce it up a bit, you can also decorate it a little, adding elements that remind you of your pet. You can even put your pet's favorite picture in a wooden frame, and glue the frame to the front or top of the box for an additional special touch.
A time capsule can contain all kinds of items that bring back memories of your beloved pet; anything from their favorite toys, collar/harness/leash, bandana, photos, a video slideshow on a disc or USB drive, or even their ashes/urn if you prefer not to have it in constant sight after they pass away. Put your pet's memory box away somewhere safe, and someday when the initial pain of losing them has subsided a bit, your pet's time capsule will surely bring back memories of all the happy times with your pet.
13. Pet psychic consultation.
Whether you're a believer of animal communication or not, these types of consultations can really bring closure to some people. There really is some comfort in hearing something that your pet would like to say to you when you can no longer hold them and speak to them yourself. Make sure you look for an animal communicator that has lots of previous happy clients and are good at what they do.
14. Plant a tree, bush, or perennial flower at your pet's burial place or favorite area in your yard.
Planting something in honor of your pet is another popular way to remember your pet. In many ways, planting something new represents new growth and an everlasting life of your pet in a new form.
If you had a color you used primarily for your pet (perhaps their collar/harness/leash, etc. were all pink) consider choosing a perennial plant that will come back every year with pink flowers. Or perhaps, if your pet liked to jump in leaf piles in the fall, find a plant that has a bloom time in Autumn. These seemingly little things can be a subtle reminder of your pet every year when you see their plant in full bloom.
You can even plant some of your pet's ashes in the ground with their new tree. Burying ashes in the ground can be seriously damaging to the new plant however, so check out a website like Let Your Love Grow to bury your pet's ashes in a safe and eco-friendly way.
You can also check out Spiritree, a website that offers another eco-friendly, biodegradable option for ashes. You simply place the ashes in the nutrient rich bottom compartment, plant a young tree in the middle, and wait for the sapling to grow up. As the tree grows, it will use the nutrients from the urn to feed itself and grow, eventually breaking out of the urn's protective shell and remaining as a living memorial for your pet.
15. Keep your pet's collar as an ornament for your Christmas tree.
A happy time of year revolving around family can be a great time to have a reminder of your beloved furry family member in the home. If you want to spruce up the collar a bit to match the holiday theme, you can even decorate it with some green, red, or gold ribbon, or attach some little bells to add some extra Christmas spirit.
16. Customized Christmas tree ornament for your pet.
Building on the idea above, you can also make or buy a cute little ornament with your pet's photo to display on your Christmas tree.
This is a good alternative to the idea above if you want visitors to be able to see your pet's photo, or if your pet was a small animal, bird, reptile, or similar pet that didn't have a collar.
Making a little photo tree ornament can be as simple as cutting one of your favorite photos into a circle shape, and gluing some cardboard behind for a sturdy backing. You can then punch a small hole at the top and thread a string through to hang it on the tree.
While they are more expensive, you can also find some pretty neat customized ornaments with your pet's name and photo, or even some creative full color sandstone ornaments that can be made to look exactly like your pet.
17. Convert food and water bowls or stands into planters for small houseplants.
You can also put your creative side to work and make some mini planters out of your pet's bowls, or even put together a cute little fairy garden.
If you have a metal or wooden stand that was used to hold your pet's bowls, this could also be re-purposed into a plant stand. You can purchase deeper containers that fit perfectly into the holes in the stand, and fill the pots with a couple of your favorite houseplants (or perhaps your pet's favorite houseplants that they liked to try to get into and nibble on!)
18. Make a bracelet out of your pet's collar or leash.
One way to keep the memory of your pet close to you at all times is to re-purpose their collar or part of their leash into a button-on bracelet. This video tutorial shows how to make a bracelet out of a nylon collar or leash in a simple way that anyone can do (no sewing needed!)
19. Clip your pet's collar tag onto your bracelet or key chain to carry with you.
Similar to the idea above, this simple gesture keeps your pet close to you whenever you wear your bracelet or reach for your keys. In the case of dogs, your beloved furry friend often goes everywhere possible with you. A simple act of attaching their collar tag to your key chain symbolizes exactly that, by continuing to keep your pet close to you wherever you go.
You can choose to keep the tag totally natural, or cover it over with a glossy coat of glaze to add some shine and preserve the natural look. If you lost a pet other than a dog, or don't want to use their collar tag, you can also attach a key chain with a photo of your pet instead.
20. Chain jewelry or a wallet chain.
If your pet had a chain collar or a link of chain in their collar or leash, you could take it apart and use the chain as a decorative bracelet or a wallet chain.
A pet chain would make a great charm bracelet, and you could easily attach your pet's tag to it (like in idea # 19 above.) If you already happen to have a charm bracelet, you can also find a charm that symbolizes or reminds you of your pet in some way and clip it onto your existing bracelet instead.
A pet chain would make a great charm bracelet, and you could easily attach your pet's tag to it (like in idea # 19 above.) If you already happen to have a charm bracelet, you can also find a charm that symbolizes or reminds you of your pet in some way and clip it onto your existing bracelet instead.
21. Donate to an animal shelter in memory of your pet.
Donating to an animal shelter in your area is a great way to help others in your pet's memory. By supporting the shelter, you might help someone find their new best friend in spite of your own loss.
Some shelters also accept sponsors for their animals' cages, where they will put a short message of your choice on one of their cages for a year. That can be a good way to share your pet's memory with others while also supporting a good cause.
A donation doesn't have to be monetary either; material donations of new or gently used items and unopened food is also greatly appreciated. You may even decide to volunteer to help other animals at the shelter, or foster an animal in your home (when/if you're ready to take another animal into your home.)
22. Write a letter to your pet (or a poem about them.)

Letting your creative juices flow into a piece of writing about your pet can be quite therapeutic. Writing a message about your pet, or writing directly to them can be a great way to express your emotions, regardless of whether you consider yourself to be a good writer or not. A letter or poem can be a very personal and expressive way to show your feelings and really understand how you're actually feeling about the loss of your pet.
23. Get a tattoo of your pet or a symbol/letter that represents your pet.
If you're into tattoos and want a more permanent way to honor your pet, you may consider getting a tattoo of your pet's picture, name, first letter, pawprint, or some other kind of symbol that is representative of your pet. A tattoo can be a great tribute to your furry friend, and a great way to keep them close to you forever.
24. Purchase a custom painting of your pet.
A custom painting is a creative way to keep a beautiful memorial of your pet in your home. A painting can really bring even more life and emotion from a picture, and can transform your favorite photo into a true work of art. You would also be supporting an artist's work, in addition to having a unique, one of a kind piece of art to remember your pet.
25. Share something your pet loved.
Think about something your pet loved more than anything else. Tennis balls, frisbees, feather toys, catnip toys, your pet's favorite brand of treats, or any other special item that reminds you of your pet.
For example, if you had a dog with a fascination for tennis balls, you could share that with other dogs by leaving a small box of tennis balls at your dog's favorite park for other dog owners to play with their dogs. Leave a poster with a picture of your pet and a short blurb about their favorite toy so others can read their story and appreciate the gift from your pet to theirs.
If your cat loved catnip toys, you could buy several and donate them to your local animal shelter. There are so many different ways to share your pet's favorite things and bring enjoyment to all the other pets that are out there now.
26. Make memorial cards to send out to family and friends.
If you like to make your own cards for holidays and special occasions, this can be a nice way to share all your favorite memories of your pet with friends and family. Relatives and friends that also loved your pet will be happy to receive a card in their honor, and it can be therapeutic to share the memory of your beloved pet with others.
You can include some photos in the cards, in addition to your pet's date of birth, and date they passed away. You may also want to include a short memorial message and a memorial poem or quote that stands out to you.
If you don't know how to make your own cards but have an interest in learning, check out Canva.com or Adobe Spark to try your hand at making some DIY greeting cards for free.
27. Create and publish a free eBook about your pet's life.
If you love to write, creating a free eBook about your pet's life can be a therapeutic way to re-trace your pet's life and share it with others. An eBook can be as short or as long as you choose, and can include your pet's funniest or most memorable moments, best stories, and the difference they made in your life, and other's lives.
Writing an eBook is a great way to relive all your favorite past memories as you write. Down the road when some of those memories have started to fade, you might be really glad you captured them in the form of a book and can continue to smile as you re-read your story from years ago.
28. Create a website, blog, or Facebook page in honor of your pet's life.
An online platform or social media page can be a great way to keep a collection of your pet's best photos and memories in one place. You can easily create a free drag and drop type of website on Weebly.com or Wix.com, or start a Facebook page exclusively dedicated to sharing photos and stories of your pet. Websites and Facebook pages are easy to set up and you can update and add photos, videos, and other content quickly and easily. Online sites and pages are also super easy to share with friends and family with just a simple link to your page.
29. Create a slideshow or video montage of your pet.
A compilation video or slideshow is a great way to put together a collection of your favorite video clips and pictures. You can edit these types of videos together using a simple free editing software, such as Windows Movie Maker or something similar. If you choose to share your video with others, you can then upload the finished product to YouTube.com or directly to your social media sites.
30. Make a collage poster of your pet's photos.
Another fun and creative way to honor your pet's life is to create a collage of photos on a poster board. This is a great project for kids to help out with as well; they can arrange the pictures to their liking and add their own creative flair with decorations and colors around the border.
On the back, everyone can write their own special goodbye messages to their beloved furry family member. When this collaborative project is finished, it can be put on display on the wall as a family memorial and tribute to your loved and lost pet.
31. Organize a collaborative online memorial.
If you have extended family or friends that also loved your pet, a collaborative memorial could be a good opportunity to involve them in your pet's memorial as well. You may also see pictures that you haven't seen for a long time, or hear different perspectives from your friends and family about how your pet made an impact in their lives as well.
For an online memorial, you can simply ask friends and family on social media to post any pictures, video clips, or stories of your pet that they have. Organize everything together into a video compilation, Facebook page, or something similar, and show the finished product to everyone that contributed to the project.
32. Dedicate a small area in your garden to your pet's memory.
If you love to work in your garden, there are many ways to incorporate a memorial for your pet in your garden among nature. One thing you could do is plant a pretty perennial flower in your pet's memory, so you can enjoy the life of their plant year after year. If you are keeping your pet's ashes inside your home in an urn, you may want to get a little grave or memorial stone for outside, which would also be a nice addition to the garden (especially next to their plant.)
Stepping stones or decorative statues may also be perfect for your garden. You can even look for some cute solar lights that remind you of your pet, or find planters with dog or cat designs on them to plant some colorful annuals in.
You can even get creative and make your own pet memorial stepping stones with decorative rocks, paw print indents, and of course, your pet's name and a short love message to them.
33. Take other people's pets into your home for boarding while the owners are away.
If you have a void left by your pet that you wish could be filled, but you aren't ready for another animal yet, consider pet sitting in your home. You can take other people's pets into your home during the day while the owners are at work, or for extended periods when people go away on vacation and can't bring their animal. Many people would prefer to leave their pet in a home environment instead of a kennel, and it gives you the opportunity to have animals around and even make a bit of extra money on the side.
34. Create a "Shadow Box" for your pet.
A shadow box is a personalized and decorative display box that hangs up on the wall to showcase your pet's best things and commemorate their life. Shadow boxes can be found online or at a craft store, and customized to your preference. Shadow boxes can be designed and decorated in creative and special ways to share your pet's personality. For example, you might choose to do a pink theme for your box to match your pet's bright pink collar and harness set.
You can also use your pet's things to decorate the box; a leash for example would make a pretty border around the inside of your box. Laminated photos are also great to include. If you choose to put some of your pet's favorite toys in the box, you can also include a photo of your pet playing with that particular toy to make the memories even more vivid. For more information about shadow boxes, check out this article by cuteness.com. You can also explore more creative ideas for shadow boxes on pinterest.
35. Write an obituary for your pet.
If you decide to have a family funeral in your backyard to commemorate the life of your pet, an obituary is a good thing to read during your ceremony. Even if you don't host a funeral for your pet, an obituary can still be shared with family and friends, or even kept private if preferred.
In your obituary, include your pet's name, date of birth (and/or when you brought them home), and the date they passed away. You can also add in any canine achievements they received, who they are survived by, and whose lives they touched beyond yours.
Of course, your pet's favorite things in life should be mentioned as well; what were their absolute favorite things to do and places to go? Favorite toys, treats, parks, and of course, their best furry friends they met on their adventures.
Whether you share your pet's obituary at their funeral, post online for friends to read, frame it on your shelf, or simply hide it inside a folder in your drawer, writing an official post life document for your pet can make a great memorial.
36. Frame your favorite photo of your pet.
Sometimes, a photo speaks more than a thousand words, and ends up being the perfect thing to have nearby after your pet passes away. Pick a photo that you especially love, or one that just makes you smile or laugh. You can put it on display where ever it feels right; whether that is right in your living room, office desk, or even just on a dresser or table in your bedroom.
37. Turn your pet's tag into a decal charm or pendant.
This article by InspiredBarn.com shows a super creative way to turn a pet's collar tag into a beautiful pendant to wear on a necklace or key chain. Pet tags can be pretty simple on their own, but with a little design and some glossing up, they can be re-purposed in a whole new way, while still keeping the pet's name intact and serving as a great memorial item.
38. Custom patchwork quilt/photo collage blanket.
A custom fabric quilt with several photos imprinted on it is a creative way to display some of your favorite pictures. These cute quilts make a pretty creative household addition and are great to snuggle up with on a cold day or when you miss your pet.
Custom photo blankets can be customized with your pet's name embroidered into the blanket, and background colors of your choice. Combining photos with a blanket is an ideal option if you are lacking shelf space to display photos or don't want to clean and dust around a bunch of picture frames.
These blankets can be purchased through Walmart, custom crafted for you on Etsy, or you can go DIY and make one yourself.
Custom photo blankets can be customized with your pet's name embroidered into the blanket, and background colors of your choice. Combining photos with a blanket is an ideal option if you are lacking shelf space to display photos or don't want to clean and dust around a bunch of picture frames.
These blankets can be purchased through Walmart, custom crafted for you on Etsy, or you can go DIY and make one yourself.
39. Draw or paint a picture of your pet.
This idea is perfect for kids, or talented people that love to draw or paint. When you're finished, you can display your picture on the fridge or frame it alongside your pet's photos.
If you're not exactly a budding artist, you can still give it your best shot. Even if it ends up being not quite what you intended, you can always hide it away in a time capsule (idea #12 above) with the rest of your pet's things for later amusement.
40. Get a custom necklace of your pet.
Necklaces are a great way to keep your pet's memory close to your heart and carry them with you everywhere you go. Cuddle clones offers the option to have a necklace handmade out of sandstone to look just like your pet. All your need to submit is a few photos, and they will carve out a one of a kind necklace and send it to you.
Alternatively, these memorial locket necklaces are a little different, allowing you to put a small amount of your pet's ashes in a tiny brass urn. The urn then sits inside the locket necklace, so you can carry a piece of your pet with you wherever you go.
41. Paint your own figurine kit.
Another good way to involve the kids in your pet's memorial is to purchase a paint your own pet figurine kit. You can paint the figurine to look just like your lost pet, with the same colors and markings. After the figurine is finished, it can be glossed over with a shiny layer of glaze (optional) and displayed on a shelf next to your pet's best photo. Painting a figurine is a creative way to keep a personalized little 3D version of your pet in your home.
42. Build a birdhouse in your pet's memory.
Building a birdhouse is a fun and creative project you can do to enhance your garden and remember your pet at the same time. You can design and decorate the birdhouse in any way that reminds you of your pet, no matter how subtle. For example, you could paint the house the same color as your pet's collar, or if your dog had their own dog house, you can paint the birdhouse as a mini replica of your pet's own dog house.
You can also include your pet's name or even a short memorial message on the side or front of the birdhouse so everyone will see it for years to come. A birdhouse can bring new life to your garden in absence of your pet, and it will be sure to bring back positive memories of your pet when the birds start popping in at their birdhouse every Spring.
You can also include your pet's name or even a short memorial message on the side or front of the birdhouse so everyone will see it for years to come. A birdhouse can bring new life to your garden in absence of your pet, and it will be sure to bring back positive memories of your pet when the birds start popping in at their birdhouse every Spring.
43. Hang up some memorial windchimes.
Windchimes have a peaceful and spiritual aura about them, and look beautiful hanging up by a garden. Some (such as the one pictured above) are even made specifically to honor the loss of a pet with a pawprint shaped design and pet memorial quote.
More Creative Keepsake Ideas
There are even more amazing pet memorial ideas that make great keepsakes, but some involve getting something from the pet before they pass, such as a nose print or a tuft of fur. Check out some of the ideas below if you still have that opportunity and want to try something creative with your pet.
1. Paw print painting.
A paw print painting is as simple as getting some non toxic pet safe paint, dipping your dog's paw in the paint, and placing their paw on a piece of paper. You can do multiple paw prints in all different colors to make a unique and colorful painting. Be sure to wash your dog's paws thoroughly after painting their picture.
2. Teach your pet to paint.
A more advanced version of the idea above is to teach your pet to take a paintbrush in their mouth and touch it to a canvas to paint their own picture! This isn't necessarily limited to dogs either; birds, rats, guinea pigs, and other animals have even been trained to pick up a paintbrush and create their own masterpieces. If you have a smart pet and want to teach them to paint their own picture, this could make a really fantastic memorial.
3. Paw print kit.
A paw print kit is somewhat similar to the paw print painting idea above, but this one provides an option where you can purchase everything you need in one kit. These types of kits use clay rather than paint, which tends to avoid some of the mess associated with painting.
4. Make a felted bead bracelet from your pet's fur.
This idea can work after your pet has passed away, if you happened to keep some fur, or if your pet had a favorite bed you could brush off and collect some fur from. However, it is much easier to get fur from your pet while brushing them, or by picking up some discarded hair during the shedding season.
If you want to try something creative and different with all that hair, a felted bead bracelet could be an interesting option. You can dye the beads in a color of your choice, or keep them as your pet's natural fur color.
A felted bead bracelet made from your pet's hair can be a treasured piece of jewelry to have when you no longer have all the once dreaded pet hair floating around the house. This tutorial on Instructables explains how to make this project in a step by step process. It's much easier to make than you would think, and the finished product is pretty creative!
5. Take lots of photos while you can!
Pictures are one of the best ways to bring back the fondest memories of your pet. Always take lots of pictures of your furry family while you can. If your pet has any funny antics that make you laugh, these are great things to get on video, so your pets can continue to make you smile long after they're gone.
Lifetimes are limited, but memories are forever!
Lifetimes are limited, but memories are forever!
6. Earn titles or certificates with your pet.
Many people associate titles as just ribbons for winning a dog show, but they are so much more than that. Titles and certificates signify a partnership and bond between the owner and pet, and recognizes all the hard work that the pair has put in together.
You can earn titles for all kinds of sports or activities. If you're not at all interested in competing, you can work towards passing a Canine Good Citizen test with your pup instead (which assesses dogs on obedience skills and being an all around good doggie neighbor.)
You can also earn trick titles from your home by teaching fun tricks and submitting a video (trick titles can also be earned by all types of animals, not just dogs!) When you look back at your pet's life in the future, the titles and certificates earned by the two of you is bound to be a positive memory of your life together.
You can also earn trick titles from your home by teaching fun tricks and submitting a video (trick titles can also be earned by all types of animals, not just dogs!) When you look back at your pet's life in the future, the titles and certificates earned by the two of you is bound to be a positive memory of your life together.
Additional Pet Memorial Tips:
- Photos are one of the best ways to keep the memories of your pet close and fresh. There are countless ways to preserve and display the best photos of your pet. Whether you put together a scrapbook, digital slideshow, put up a wall display of photos in your home, or even just set out your favorite photo in a frame on your shelf, having photos of your pet are a great way to keep their memory in your home, no matter how long they're gone.
- If you're trying to help your kids accept the loss of a family pet, choose one of the creative, DIY type of projects from this list. Working together as a family to make something in honor of your pet can be very fulfilling for kids.
- Finding a way to honor your pet is a personal thing. Find something that really speaks to you and makes you happy instead of sad. For example, if having your pet's favorite things or photos around your home makes you upset, opt to put them away in a time capsule (idea #12 above) and open them in a few years when they can bring back positive memories.